Her Name Was Celia and Her 175 mph Winds pounded the Corpus Christi Area

Hurricane Celia.  Corpus Christi, TX  8-3-70
Hurricane Celia. Corpus Christi, TX 8-3-70

Where were you 46 years ago today?

I know that plenty of you will say… “I wasn’t even born yet”.
It is especially for you, and for everyone else who was not in Corpus Christi, TX on that day that I share my story. You see, there are events in our lives that effect us forever so that even decades later, we can recall in detail what happened on that day and can tell our friends exactly where we were and what we saw!

Events like the Kennedy Assassination, Neil Armstrong first walking on the Moon and the all too recent collapse of the Twin Towers. I’m a 5th generation Corpus Christian so if you lived in Corpus Christi on August 3rd in 1970, you know that today is the 46th Anniversary of such an event.
Her name was Celia and she was the only hurricane to strike US. soil in 1970! Hurricane Celia pounded our Coastal Bend with maximum sustained winds of 125 mph and gusts of wind up to 175 mph. The National Weather Service reported gusts reaching 160 mph and she caused more than $450 million in damage (more than $7 Billion in today’s money) to thousands of homes and businesses in Corpus Christi, Port Aransas, Aransas Pass, Portland, Ingleside and Rockport..

I was still in elementary school but what I saw that day and more importantly, what I saw and felt the next several weeks following that day, made me aware of how important it is to be prepared during Hurricane Season. Thank God for me, my family knew what to do and how to prepare. After all, my Grandparents and Great Grandparents survived Corpus Christi’s infamous storm of 1919 and my Mom and Dad had seen their share of storms prior to Celia.

Back then, very few folks evacuated before a Hurricane but those who stayed knew what to do and were well equipped to handle the hard life without electricity, air conditioning and some times water for two weeks or more after the storm. I will never forget how hot and humid it was so if you thought the recent water boil was an inconvenience, you’ve got a lot to do to prepare yourself before our next big storm strikes!

That being said, there is a storm soon to enter the Gulf of Mexico and the heart of Hurricane Season is almost here so if you have not done so already, now is the time to prepare and to know what precautions are necessary:
Have a Weather Radio.
Fill your Hurricane Kit.
Plan your evacuation route and decide now what will trigger your plan into motion.
Discuss your Plan with your family, friends and loved ones.

Don’t think it can happen to you, Check out this home movie on youtube of “Her Name was Celia”.

This video can’t duplicate the fear, heat and humidity that we felt nor the smells that we experienced from the thousands of tons of debris that Hurricane Celia left behind but you can see second hand the destruction that she left and you can get a feel for how important preparedness is and how important it is that you have the right windstorm and flood insurance protection. He heart of Hurricane Season sill soon be here so call Ed Cantu Insurance Agency today at 361 991-3575 for help before it’s too late!

Because we care,

Ed Cantu

p.s. check out for additional Hurricane Preparedness information including a special report from Hurricane Expert Dr. Steve Lyons

Happy 4th of July

4th of July Safety

Ready for your Fourth of July celebrations? The backyard barbecue, time at the beach and even some fireworks? Whatever you choose, All of us at Ed Cantu Insurance Agency want you and your family to enjoy your holiday so please remember these steps to help keep you safe. Whether your 4th of July weekend involves fireworks, grilling or going to the beach, there are safety tips you should follow.

FIREWORKS SAFETY- The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public fireworks show put on by professionals. Stay at least 500 feet away from the show.

Remember that Corpus Christi and most local cities outlaw the use of personal fireworks. If you choose to use them anyway, be prepared to pay a fine and please follow these safety steps:

* Never give fireworks to small children and always follow the instructions on the packaging.
* Keep a supply of water close by as a precaution to put out a fire.
* Make sure the person lighting fireworks always wears eye protection.
* Light only one firework at a time and never attempt to relight “a dud.”
* Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.
* Never throw or point a firework toward people, animals, vehicles, structures or flammable materials.
* Leave any area immediately where untrained amateurs are using fireworks.

GRILLING and outdoor cooking SAFETY- Many folks are injured while using backyard charcoal or gas grills so please follow these steps to safely cook your backyard grilling or barbecue:

* Always supervise a grill or barbeque pit when in use.
* Never grill indoors – not in your house, camper, tent, or any enclosed area.
* Make sure everyone, including the pets, stays away from the grill or pit.
* Keep the grill or pit out in the open, away from the house, the deck, tree branches, or anything that could catch fire.
* Use the long-handled tools especially made for cooking on the grill or pit to keep the chef safe.
* Never add charcoal starter fluid when coals have already been ignited.
* Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using grills or pits.

BEACH SAFETY- If your visit to the beach includes swimming in the Gulf or Bay, you should learn how to swim in the surf and swim at a life-guarded beach when possible, within the designated swimming area. Obey all instructions and orders from lifeguards. Other safety tips include:

* Keep alert for local weather conditions. Check to see if any warning signs or flags are posted.
* Swim sober and always swim with a buddy.
* Have young children and inexperienced swimmers wear a Coast Guard-approved life jacket.
* Protect your neck – don’t dive headfirst. Walk carefully into open waters.
* Keep a close eye and constant attention on children and adults while at the beach. Wave action can cause you or someone to lose their footing, even in shallow water.
* Watch out for aquatic life. Water plants and animals may be dangerous. Avoid patches of plants and leave fish and animals alone.
* RIP CURRENTS Rip currents are responsible for deaths on our beaches every year, and for most of the rescues performed by lifeguards. Any beach with breaking waves may have rip currents. Be aware of the danger of rip currents and remember the following this:
If you or someone is caught in a rip current, swim parallel to the shore until out of the current. Once free, you should turn and swim toward shore. If you can’t swim to the shore, you should float or tread water until free of the rip current and then head toward shore.
Stay at least 100 feet away from piers and jetties. Permanent rip currents often exist near these structures.
* Additional water safety tips are available at

SUN PROTECTION- Don’t let a steady breeze or a cloudy sky fool you. It’s going to be HOT so be sure to:

* Limit your exposure to direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 15 and reapply your sunscreen often.
* Remember to drink plenty of water regularly, even if not thirsty. Avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine in them.
* Protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses that will absorb 100 percent of UV sunlight.
* Protect your feet – the sand can burn them, and glass and other sharp objects can cut them.
* Watch for signs of heat stroke—hot, red skin; changes in consciousness; rapid, weak pulse; rapid, shallow breathing. If it’s suspected someone is suffering from heat stroke: Call 9-1-1 and move the person to a cooler place. Quickly cool the body by applying cool, wet cloths or towels to the skin (or misting it with water) and fanning the person. Watch for signs of breathing problems and make sure the airway is clear. Keep the person lying down.

DOWNLOAD a FIRST AID APP… You can download the free Red Cross first aid app which puts expert advice for everyday emergencies at someone’s fingertips. The app is available for direct download from the Apple or Google Play for Android app stores.

My team and I hope you and your family have a fun, safe 4th of July weekend and a fantastic summer so please follow these tips to ensure your well being.

Because We Care!

Ed Cantu

Hurricane Season and FLOODS

Hurricane Season is Here.  Are you ready for the severe wind and Flood Damage that often comes with these catastrophic storms?  NOW is the time to update and invest in vital wind and flood insurance to protect your home and belongings!

Like me, you‘ve probably watched Storm Expert Dr. Steve Lyons when you‘ve followed Hurricanes on The Weather Channel over the years. I had the opportunity to meet and visit with Dr. Lyons about the impact and severity that Hurricanes bring and the damage that they leave behind. He spoke about the Hurricane Footprint…the “5 Toes” of a storm which includes Wind, Rain, Waves, Water Rise and Tornadoes and the catastrophic damage that occurs from the high wind speed and water damage from each of these elements during and after a storm.

Ed with Dr. Lyons



Did you know that even a Category 1 Hurricane or Tropical Storm with lower wind speed can bring up to 30 inches of rainfall and waves that cause major damage? The start of Hurricane Season is upon us so now is the time to prepare yourself and your family with proper protection to avoid financial ruin!

5 toes if hurricane

Dr Lyons constantly told his TV viewers that the category of a hurricane is very poorly related to some of these “toes”.  So the viewer need’s to pay close attention of what category the hurricane is offshore and more importantly, what category it is expected to be at landfall. He says that in order to paint this picture of impact, you MUST have models that forecast each toe of the hurricane damage’s footprint.  Take note that he used the term “WATER RISE” on TV because “SURGE” is just one component of the total water rise that you should care about!

According to Dr. Lyons, here is an example of a few recent hurricanes, their Saffir/Simpson categories at landfall and the estimated WATER RISE where it struck.  As you can see, there is no obvious relationship between coastal water rise and Saffir/Simpson category:

Year Name Category Water Rise State



Cat 3

15-20 Feet Texas



Cat 3

24-28 Feet** Louisiana



Cat 3

12-15 Feet Texas



Cat 4

   6-8 Feet Florida



Cat 5

14-17 Feet Florida



Cat 3

18-21 Feet Alabama

** (US Measured Record)

Lets see what water rise can do in our Corpus Christi Area.  The Darker areas of this map really needs to secure flood insurance protection.

flood zone cc 2016

Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

This map shows how high our Corpus Christi Coastal Waters will rise when tidal surge increases by:

4-6 Feet Red * Likely to Occur with a Category 1-5 Hurricane

6-9 Feet Lavender * Likely to Occur with a Category 2-5 Hurricane

9-13 Feet Gold * Likely to Occur with a Category 3-5 Hurricane

13-18 Feet Yellow * Likely to Occur with a Category 4-5 Hurricane

18-25 Feet Green * Likely to Occur with a Category 5 Hurricane

Costly Flood Damage to your home and your prized belongings are why you should invest in vital flood insurance NOW!

Floods are the # One natural disaster in the United States. Did you know that your Homeowners policy excludes flood damage? Our recent heavy rainfall has saturated our soil. The heavier rainfall that often occurs during tropical storms or Hurricanes (sometimes up to 30”) combined with the tide surge that these storms bring makes now a smart time to invest in vital flood insurance protection for you home!

5 Things You Should Know about Flood Insurance protection before it’s too late.

  • Flood damage is so costly that Private insurance companies won’t offer coverage.
  • Heavy rainfall or water surge caused by a storm (Tropical or not) is not covered by your Home or Windstorm Policy.
  • You… We all live in a Flood Zone (everyone does).
  • Only Flood insurance will protect your home and prized belongings from rising water or mudflow due to heavy rainfall or water rising from coastal tide surges.
  • Flood Insurance can be very affordable and we can help you secure protection.

According to the National Flood Program, You are four times more likely to have a flood than a fire during a 30-year mortgage. And 25% of all Flood claims are paid to homeowners who were considered in low risk flood areas and thought it would never happen to them. The good news is that unless your property is in a “high risk” flood area, the average Flood insurance premium is less than $39 per month.

Windstorm insurance is available as long as there is not a named storm in the Gulf of Mexico but there is a 30-day waiting period for Flood protection to go into force so it’s urgent that you contact us today!  Call (361) 991-1493 today and we’ll take care of this over the phone or email us now at

Because We Care…

Ed Cantu

Ed Cantu

P.S. Don’t think flood damage can happen to us in the Corpus Christi area?  Check out the photos below taken during moderate/heavy rainfall on 5-15-16.                                            (Keep in mind that this flooding was without any wave action or Tide surge!).

flood 2016 1 flood 2016 2

Southside Corpus Christi          Glenoak Dr. Flour Blubb

flood 2016 3flood Candlewood st

Eastside Corpus Christi                 Near Carroll High School