What Corpus Christi Area Residents Need to Know!

The 2020 Hurricane Season has been the most active one decades and it’s not over yet!

Tropical Depression 22 could turn into this year’s next Tropical Storm or Hurricane. According to the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), hurricanes may pose the greatest threat to life and property but tropical storms and depression also can be devastating. The primary hazards from tropical cyclones are storm surge flooding, inland flooding from heavy rains, destructive winds, tornadoes, and high surf and rip currents. Regardless the storm size, now is the time to prepare!

Things to do and have now:

*Create an emergency communication plan with your family before a hurricane.

*Be aware of emergency alerts and warnings and how to share them with your loved ones.

*Know your evacuation route and where temporary shelters may be set up to serve your area.

*Create a plan to let friends and family outside of the area know you’re safe or that you need help.

*Have emergency supplies in place at home, at work, and in the car.

*Below is a basic kit; you should also think about your pets and any medication you may need.

*Water- one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation.

*Food- at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food.

*Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert.

*Have Flashlight, extra batteries, First Aid kit, Whistle to signal for help.

*Have dust mask to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place, moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation.

*Have wrench or pliers to turn off utilities, manual can opener for food, local paper maps (Cell phone service could be down)

*Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery.

It’s too late to add or make changes to your insurance policies now so have your valuable insurance papers and other important paperwork with you and call Ed Cantu Insurance Agency at (361) 991-1493 after this storm clears to prepare for the next one.

Stay tuned to the weather channel and go to for additional Hurricane Safety Tips.

Because We Care

Ed Cantu

Ed Cantu Insurance Agency

Top 7 Black Friday Shopping Safety Tips to remember while you search for that perfect gift!

Here are key Holiday Season Shopping Safety Tips to better protect you and your loved ones:

1. Wear appropriate clothing Wear lighter color or reflective clothing and shoes with good traction that are comfortable.

2. Shop with a friend or family member- If you plan on shopping all day, consider taking somebody with you.  It’s more fun and:

  • Carrying many bags or packages can make you an easy target.
  • Consider leaving small children at home with someone, or taking someone with you to shop so they can help small children navigate safely through the parking lot.  (Pushing a stroller, carrying packages, watching your kids, and looking for car keys can be difficult and dangerous).

3. Shop during non peak timesWhen you can, shop on week days during the day when there are fewer shoppers and fewer cars.

4. Park further away from the store Parking Lots are congested .


  • Easier to back out of your parking space since there will be less car and pedestrian traffic.
  • You may be able to avoid unwanted door dings.
  • There’s more space for you and your family to exit and enter the vehicle.
  • You can burn off a few extra calories which isn’t a bad thing this time of year.

5. Pay attention to your surroundingsScan the area before leaving your car or the store.

  • Be on the lookout for anything that looks strange.  Keep an eye on the pavement to avoid potholes and falling.
  • Watch for elevation changes that could cause you to slip and fall.
  • If something doesn’t feel right, consider asking store staff or security for assistance.
  • Lastly, take out your earbuds and avoid texting or trying to make a phone call until you’re safely in the store or in your car.  Distracted shoppers are easy targets.

6. After Shopping, Inspect your car Before getting in your car, take a peak in the back seat to make sure a stranger isn’t waiting for you.

7. Hide your packagesIf you continue shopping, before you go to the next location, make sure the gifts you just purchased are out of plain sight from possible thieves.

Be sure and watch Roland Rodriguez as he interviews me about additional  parking lot safety while you shop this Holiday season.  Check out KRIS 6 TV at

Ed Cantu Insurance Agency wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving and a safe, memorable Holiday Season!

Because we care,

Ed Cantu

Texas Windstorm Insurance Actuarial Committee Directs Staff on Rate Increase!

TWIA’s Actuarial & Underwriting Committee met yesterday, October 17, to consider the development of recommendations to the Association’s Board of Directors concerning possible rate filings as permitted by law, rate adequacy issues, and strategies.

The Committee received both written and in-person testimony from the public on the Association’s rate adequacy analysis and reviewed and received a presentation from TWIA staff on the content of the rate adequacy analysis.

The Committee voted to direct TWIA staff to review issues raised by the Committee during the meeting and provide written comments to the Committee in order to allow it to meet again in time to formulate a recommendation to the TWIA Board to be considered at its December 10 quarterly meeting in Corpus Christi.

An archived recording of the meeting, its agenda, and meeting materials are available on the TWIA website at,E,X,T&H=5ce2b8e247c3c33ca3c89f7286be88dd833c8e3d.

If you have any questions, please contact our Communications & Legislative Affairs department at

Texas Windstorm Insurance Association

You should Avoid the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association and their possible rate increaseEd Cantu Insurance Agency can deliver your windstorm protection with a someone other than TWIA. Rates are up to 15% less than TWIA and Greater Discounts for homes built after 2006. Click to compare now!

Because we Care,

Ed Cantu