THEY’RE BACK.. And they are bigger than ever!

THEY’RE  BACK.. and They are Bigger Than Ever!

If you’re from the Coastal Bend or if you’ve just spent one full summer here, you know what happens after a heavy downpour.  The 17 plus inches of rain last week means it’s time to prepare for those pesky pests that always follow.  The U.S. is home to more than 150 mosquito varieties and it seems like all of them live in South Texas.  With or without the fear of the Zika virus, now is the perfect time to amp-up your mosquito-fighting skills!

Here are 5 Tips to Reduce Your Risk of being bitten by those pesky bugs:

1) Use mosquito repellent that contains DEET and follow the directions.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends products with at least 20 percent DEET concentration for the best protection.  The EPA found DEET chemical poses no health risk as long as you carefully follow the instructions printed on bug spray containers.

2) Try using a bug spray with natural ingredients.

Some plant-based sprays may also be effective for fighting off bites. The CDC says products that include oil of lemon eucalyptus can be a more natural remedy for some.

3) Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants.

Summer means outrageous heat and humidity but wearing a lightweight, long-sleeved top and a pair of pants for a day outdoors can save you from a lot of itching later on.

4) Spray your clothing with permethrin.

Permethrin spray practically creates a forcefield between you and mosquitoes, as well as some other insects. You can purchase permethrin-treated clothing at outdoors stores, or do it yourself at home. The spray helps prevent bugs from even landing on your clothes, and the treatment can withstand several machine washes.

5) Empty containers of standing water around your home.

Standing water is the ideal nesting ground for mosquitoes. It’s especially important to empty containers of standing water such as in kiddie pools and flower pot saucers.

Bonus Tip number Six. Wear white or other light color clothing as mosquitoes are attracted to dark colored clothing… they are especially attracted to black and navy blue.

Each of us at Ed Cantu Insurance Agency want to help protect you and your family against know and unknown perils so call us at (361) 991-1493 when you need help.  Summer time is also a great time to review and update your protection.

Because we Care,

Ed Cantu

P.S. When you need professional help with your pesky pests, I recommend you call our good friend Kent Nielsen at Pest Patrol (361) 852-4002.

P.P.S. Share these helpful safety tips with someone you care for… I just did!

Vital Safety Tips while Driving in the Rain

The South Texas Drought continues but heavy rain in the forecast means now is a great time to share important safety tips on how to best drive on wet roads and highways.

Safety starts with replacing old worn windshield wipers, headlights, taillights, brake lights and turn signals. Make sure they work properly and during downpours, turn on your headlights so you can see better and so others can see you.

Proper tire tread depth and inflation are imperative on wet roadways. You can check the tread depth with a quarter inserted upside down into the tire groove. If you can see above Washington’s head, it’s time to start shopping for new tires. Also check each tire’s pressure, including the spare, at least once a month… and be sure to check the pressure when the tires are cold. Whether you’ve checked your car’s equipment or not, below are important things to know.

Three important Safety Tips to follow when driving in the rain.

Avoid Cruise Control

Cruise control is a common feature for most cars. This feature works great in dry conditions, but the chance of losing control of your vehicle increases on a wet road. You may need to reduce your car’s speed by lifting off the accelerator to avoid hydroplaning (which is when your tires rise up on a film of water). It is difficult to do this when cruise control is engaged.

It is important to concentrate fully on every aspect of driving when driving in the rain. Avoiding cruise control will allow you more options when responding to a potential loss-of-traction situation.

Slow Down and Leave Room in Front of you

Slowing down on a wet road is critical to reduce hydroplaning. You should reduce your speed based on the amount of water on the roadway and how hard it is raining. At speeds as low as 35 mph, new tires can still lose some contact with the roadway.

To further reduce your chances of hydroplaning, you should slow down, avoid hard braking or turning sharply. Remember to drive in the tracks of the vehicle ahead of you, but allow motorists ample stopping distance.

How to Respond to a Skid

Even careful drivers can experience skids. If you feel your car begin to skid, it’s important not panic and remember to follow these basic steps:

  • Continue to look and steer in the direction in which you wants the car to go.
  • Avoid slamming on the brakes as this will further disrupt your vehicle’s balance and make it harder to control.

Be extra cautious in wet weather! Slow down, avoid hard braking or sharp turns and allow ample stopping distance between you and the cars in front of you.

Bonus Tip

Avoid flowing and even standing water on the road… “Don’t Drown, Turn Around”. You don’t know what could be under that innocent looking puddle of water, did you know potholes grow and multiply during the rain? It is important to make sure to slow down and avoid standing water whenever possible.

These tips may seem elementary, but since it’s been so long since we’ve seen rain in South Texas now is a great time to remind ourselves what to do. Please share these vital safety tips with someone you care for… I just did.

Because We Care,

Ed Cantu

2018 Hurricane Season is Here!

ARE YOU Ready?

The 2018 Hurricane season begins June 1st but the first named Storm already caused havoc along the upper Gulf of Mexico coast. Now is your time to act since professional forecasters are expecting another active hurricane season. So, are you ready?

Hurricane Harvey is proof a small tropical wave can turn into a full blown Category 4 Hurricane and 130 mph winds or more with little warning. Do yourself and your family a favor and start your plan now!

Your Checklist of what You need to do first:

• Review and improve your Windstorm Insurance

Do you or someone you know still have a policy with the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association?  Do you know that the Texas Department of Insurance fears TWIA is financially unstable so they’ve encouraged insurance agents like me to help them depopulate TWIA’s policyholders?

Think I’m am kidding?

When a KRIS 6 news reporter asked TWIA… “What happens if a hurricane hits Texas this year?  Will TWIA have the money to pay back to back claims?”  The TWIA representative’s reply will send chills up you spine… “It remains to be seen.  There are things obviously that we need to consider?” Click below and watch for yourself!

Don’t risk everything you’ve worked so hard for and hope that TWIA will find the money to replace your home and precious belongs!  We offer an alternative Windstorm, Hurricane and Hail policy with a financially sound company at rates that are up to 15% less than TWIA’s rates!

My team of professional home and windstorm insurance specialist are ready to help you determine your best protection and offer alternative protection to save up to 37% on your home, wind, and flood insurance!  Call us today at (361) 991-3575 or click  now for your personal protection review.

Because we care,

Ed Cantu

P.S. Windstorm, Hurricane and Hail protection is the first step you must take to make sure you are ready for Hurricane Season.  I will keep you abreast throughout the season.