As Seen on KIII-TV News… Often Overlooked Necessity: Flood Insurance for Coastal Bend Homeowners!

Picture this: It’s a calm, sunny day in the Coastal Bend. You just paid your homeowners insurance premium, which is already one of the highest in the country. You might be feeling a little frustrated, maybe even cheated, by the cost of living in such a beautiful, yet risky, area. But hold on a minute – there’s something even worse than overpaying for protection: underpaying.

Yes, you read that right. Underpaying for insurance can be a disastrous mistake, especially when it comes to protecting your most valuable asset – your home. You see, while homeowners insurance covers a multitude of perils, there’s one lurking danger that it typically doesn’t cover: floods.

That’s right. Flooding is not included in your standard homeowners insurance policy. Surprising? Maybe. Alarming? Absolutely. Especially when you consider that flooding can happen anywhere – not just in designated high-risk zones. Mother Nature doesn’t discriminate. Whether it’s a hurricane, a tropical storm, or just an unusually heavy downpour, the Coastal Bend is highly susceptible to flooding.

So, what’s the solution? A separate flood insurance policy. This is not just a recommendation; it’s a necessity. Here’s why:

1. The Cost of Flood Damage is Astronomical

Imagine your beautiful living room turned into a wading pool. The water seeps into your walls, your floors, your precious belongings. The aftermath? Repair costs that could easily bankrupt you. According to FEMA, just one inch of water can cause up to $25,000 in damage to your home. Without flood insurance, you’re left footing that hefty bill all by yourself.

2. Federal Aid is Not a Surefire Solution

Some homeowners mistakenly believe that federal disaster assistance will cover their losses. The truth? Federal aid is often limited and comes in the form of loans – loans that must be repaid, with interest. Flood insurance, on the other hand, provides the funds needed to repair and rebuild without adding financial strain.

3. Peace of Mind is Priceless

Imagine the relief of knowing you’re fully covered. No more sleepless nights worrying about the next big storm. No more frantic checks of the weather forecast. With flood insurance, you can rest easy knowing that you’ve taken the necessary steps to protect your home and your family’s future.

4. It’s More Affordable Than You Think

Yes, flood insurance is an additional expense, but consider the alternative. The cost of a flood insurance policy is a fraction of what you’d pay out-of-pocket for repairs. In fact, many homeowners find that the peace of mind it brings is worth every penny.

5. Protect Your Investment

Your home is likely your largest investment. Why leave it vulnerable? Just as you wouldn’t drive your car without auto insurance, you shouldn’t live in a flood-prone area without flood insurance. It’s that simple.

The Bottom Line

In the Coastal Bend, where the threat of flooding is ever-present, securing a separate flood insurance policy isn’t just a smart move – it’s an essential one. Don’t fall into the trap of underpaying for protection and risking everything. Be proactive. Safeguard your home. Because when the next flood hits – and it will – you’ll be glad you did.

Remember, the only thing worse than paying too much for your protection is paying too little. Make the right choice today and protect your home with flood insurance. Your future self will thank you if you call our office today at 361 991-3575 and secure your protection before it’s too late.  Do it now because there is a 30 day waiting period before this vital protection kicks in.

Because we Care,

Ed Cantu